Agile Lunch and Learn: Past events

  • Secrets of Successful Sprints

    Secrets of Successful Sprints

    For many teams, the Sprint is the core iterative unit that delivers working software to the customer. In this session we are going to look at practices and approaches that will help your team get the the most value out of Sprints while avoiding common pitfalls and anti-patterns.

  • Early space missions hardly seem like a place to get inspiration about Agile software development, but the first probes sent to the moon successfully used a number of the principles that modern teams strive to implement in following Agile. Looking at the historical usage of these principles in important endeavors of the past provides insight and understanding in how to best leverage them in our work to develop great software today.

  • Misleading With Metrics

    Misleading With Metrics

    Imagine you are a saboteur trying to infiltrate a company and wreck their ability to deliver software efficiently. Since you don’t want to be detected, your malevolent efforts are focused on encouraging the use of metrics in ways that will mislead the organization. What would this look like and what type of things would be likely to mislead teams while making everyone feel like they are getting great information?

  • Continuing our deep dive into one Agile principle each month, we are now on principle number 5 for this Agile lunch and learn. We'll be premiering a new Agile animation featuring...well you'll have to come to find out.

  • Coaching Agile Delivery

    Coaching Agile Delivery

    Agile says we should satisfy the customer through "early and continuous delivery" and that "working software is the primary measure of progress" and that we should "deliver working software frequently." With all this talk about getting working software delivered and into your customer's hands, it must be a pretty important part of creating a successful Agile team.

  • This session is presented by Dominica DeGrandis author of Making Work Visible: Exposing Time Theft to Optimize Work & Flow. Dominica teaches flow methods and metrics and we are thrilled to have her doing this lunch and learn for us about Making Products Visible.
