Around the Kubernetes World in 60 minutes - Burr Sutter

Around the Kubernetes World in 60 minutes - Burr Sutter

Around the Kubernetes World in 60 minutes - Burr Sutter

Burr Sutter from Redhat has graciously agreed to spend an hour demonstrating Kubernetes & talking about microservices. If you and your team want to know what these are and why they matter, you won't want to miss this talk and live demonstration.

Kubernetes has changed the way we build and deliver applications within your private datacenters, around the globe via dozens of regions of the public cloud providers and out to the remote edge. In this session, we will be exploring the Kubernetes ecosystem and going around the globe (with various cloud providers), reviewing microservices architecture and the exotic Istio and Knative while also exploring the jungles of CI/CD and gitops with Tekton and ArgoCD. Most of the session will be conducted via live demonstration of the capabilities.