What is Behavior Driven Development?  -- Agile LnL

What is Behavior Driven Development? -- Agile LnL

What is Behavior Driven Development?  -- Agile LnL
283 people attending

What does your software project have in common with the Sphex Wasp and Sumo Robots? They both exhibit complex behavior that can be defined using simple examples. In this session, we will look at how behavior driven development works and how it can be used to help build quality into the software development process.

Behavior Driven Development is a development process that creates a collaborative understanding of the requirements right before the development work starts. This understanding is documented in a feature file that describes examples of how the new functionality will work. These examples become an executable specification that start off as a failing test that will "turn green" once the development work is completed successfully.

This talk is aimed at an overview of BDD. We will mention some of the technical details, but primarily focus on the collaborative process.