So Your Manager Asked You for an Estimate! - George Dinwiddie - AgileLnL

So Your Manager Asked You for an Estimate! - George Dinwiddie - AgileLnL

So Your Manager Asked You for an Estimate! - George Dinwiddie - AgileLnL
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When asked for an estimate, how do you feel? What's your answer?

Let's look at some of the needs that the business has where estimates can help. We'll talk about ways to meet these needs in a reasonable fashion. And we'll turn "wrong estimates" into value for both the business and the developers.

Bio: George Dinwiddie spent 4 decades of his career developing hardware, firmware, and software, and coaching teams and organizations on the same. Since Covid came along, he has semi-retired, but still writing and doing occasional remote coaching and training. He is the author of Software Estimation without Guessing: Effective Planning in an Imperfect World (Pragmatic Bookshelf), Evolutionary Anatomy of Test Automation Code (LeanPub), and co-author of Patterns of Agile Journeys (LeanPub).